Doug Brunton
VP, Engineering

Doug Brunton is a seasoned technology executive with a history of success in product and services development and go-to-market.

Brunton found his path as an entrepreneurial executive when he founded Plus Three to bring the Democratic party's fundraising and outreach efforts online in 2000, promptly breaking the all-time single-day fundraising record for any political party in the US. Doug led product strategy and teams on both sides of Shutterstock's (SSTK) two sided marketplace during their IPO run-up. At Oblong Industries (OBLG) he built the product and strategy for Greenhouse, Oblong's public offering of their gestural operating system and entry point to the enterprise sales funnel. Doug is a Y Combinator founder (Pluot, DBA - W16), and has been all-in with Frameable since its inception.

Doug takes a creative approach to solving difficult technical problems and building products that people want. He builds teams, putting the right people in the right seats at the right time. Doug Brunton is relentlessly ambitious, energetic and data-driven when finding product fit and market fit and is equally capable in every phase of that journey from building initial hard technical product proofs of concept to closing enterprise sales.

On visibility and collaboration in MS Teams

We all want to collaborate better, and sometimes it feels like our tools inside of Microsoft Teams are working against us.

Want to find your friendly local copywriter to review your new campaign? Go find them on your calendar, or send them a chat. Need to tweak the designs as well? Add your designer to your group chat, or do some more calendar wrangling. Want to do this in some way that is visible to the rest of your marketing department? Put it in channel, and hope someone sees it. Collaboration and visibility are tightly intertwined. By making yourself visible in a working session, you are inviting collaboration.

At Frameable we build Teams-native add-ins to bring better visibility and collaboration to Microsoft Teams.

Overview by Frameable lets you see what's happening, as it happens. Overview provides a unified view into all ongoing calls you have visibility to, whether they be group chat calls, channel calls, calendar meetings or "Meet now" calls. Join the right working session in a click.

Overview by Frameable

Overview lets you start working sessions instantly, with the right visibility via its unified "Meet now" button. Just click "Meet now", choose your collaborators and visibility (individuals, groups or channels), and get to work.

It also separates out your 1:1 chats from your group chats, which we use in fundamentally different ways. Upcoming and past meetings are on the board, so you can find the notes and files from your past working sessions at a glance, and your Sharepoint files are at the ready.

Overview uses standard Teams APIs to provide you this view, so there is never a question of data privacy and governance. Overview uses Teams data privacy and governance, so you inherit your organizational policies.

Next let's talk about two more deficiencies in the Microsoft Teams ecosystem that fight against great collaboration. Multiple, simultaneous screen shares, and the whiteboard.

Until then, thanks for reading, and don't hesitate to contact me directly, connect on LinkedIn or schedule a time to chat.

Update: a version of this post lives on LinkedIn here

Sharing multiple screens in MS Teams

Tens of thousands of us have voiced our complaints that we can't share multiple screens at the same time in a Teams meeting.

MultiShare by Frameable removes this fundamental shortcoming in the Teams call experience, allowing 15 simultaneous screen shares in your Teams meetings. It works across tenants, so you can use it in your client meetings, too.

MultiShare by Frameable

MultiShare is perfect for pair programming and design review, trainings where you need to see the participants' screens, incident response - where context is critical, and a variety of other use cases. We want to hear about yours!

MultiShare is available in Microsoft AppSource. Add it to your Teams collaboration toolkit today!

Update: a version of this post lives on LinkedIn here